LaSalle County

1917 Prairie Farmer's Directory

Br - Bz

BRADY, Mrs. Edna C. (Edna SIGNOR) Ch - Clara, Fred; Mendota R35 Mendota Sec32 O60a (1893)

BRADY, Edward (Delia MOONEY) Ch - Ruth, Bernard,Lillian, Florence Edward, John, James; Mendota R37 OphirSec15 O160a (1861) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville

BRADY, Fred S. Mendota R35 Mendota Sec32 T60a Edna C.BRADY (1893)

BRADY, J. B. (Mary DEOBALD) Ch - Pearl; Lostant R13 Hope Sec4 T160a L. A. DEOBALD (1901)

BRAGG, S. W. (Catherine K. KUMMER) Ottawa R29 Wallace Sec35 O200a (18?1) Bell Tel. Ottawa

BRAGG, Thomas (Carrie M. TOWNSEND) Ch - Marguerite,Helen, Lyle, Lucille; Ottawa R29 Wallace Sec34 O160a (1872) Bell Tel. Ottawa

BRAGGO, Charles (Rose FOLTYNIEWICZ) Ch - Leo,William; LaSalle R24 LaSalle Sec35 T1a Marquette CementCo. (1917) Tel. Oglesby

BRANDENBURG, C. F. (Freda MYER) Ch - Ruby, Raymond,Lila; Serena R1 Serena Sec24 O120a (1856) Northern IllinoisTel. Sheridan

BRANDENBURG, F. D. (Ella DEBOLT) Ch - Gertrude, Ruth,Lowell; Serena R1 Serena Sec27 O360a (1862) Tel. Harding

BRANDENBURG, George (Ida WHITMAN) Ch - Harold,Roy; Serena R1 Serena Sec27 O200a (1870) Bell Tel. Harding

BRANDENBURG, Harold G. (Charlotte BERNARD) Ch -Shirley; Sheridan R3 Serena Sec2 O120a T96a Geo.BRANDENBURG (1892) Northern Illinois Tel. Sheridan

BRANDNER, August L. (Bertha MICKELSON) Ch - Lorene,George, Wilbur, Gladys; Earlville R41 Meriden Sec2 O150a T197a C. A. BRANDNER (1885) Northern Illinois Tel. PawPaw

BRANDOW, Albert (Edith BOSSONG?) Ch - Donald, Vincent,Edward; Serena R1 Serena Sec30 T107a BOSSONG Sisters (1887) Northern Illinois Tel. Sheridan

BRANDOW, Elmer (Hulda BURISCH) Ch - Evelyn, May; Tonica Eden Sec23 T138a Mrs. Emma WHITE (1894) Tel.Farmers' Line Tonica

BRANNAN, Harmon E. (Ruby E. BARBER) Ch - Mabel, Carl,Frank, Alfred; Earlville R43 Freedon Sec11 O5a (1892) Tel.Harding

BRANNEN, Peter G. Ch - John, Alice; LaSalle R23 LaSalleSec13 O210a (1840)

BRAUN, George W. (Maggie GEALOW) Ch - Peter, Charles,Frieda, George, Katie, Andrew, Albert, Frank, Theodore, Emma; "Braun Dairy Farm" Peru R20 Eden Sec8 O87a (1852) Tel.Farmers' Line Cedar Point

BRAVICK, Martin (Bertha ALSVIG) Ch - Herman, Melvin,Lottie; Sheridan R2 Mission Sec23 O150a (1875) Tel. Farmers'Line Newark

BRAWICK, Annie Sheridan R2 Mission Sec25 O114a (1864)

BRAYTON, A. J. (Cecelia RUMNEY) Ch - Bessie, Ernest,Kathryn, Laura; Sheridan R4 Northville Sec19 T120a Mrs.Elizabeth BRAYTON (1900) Northern Illinois Tel. Somonauk

BREARLEY, James "Old Orchard Farm" Mendota R37 OphirSec6 O159a (1862) Northern Illinois Tel. Mendota

BRECKENRIDGE, Floyd (Bessie COFOID) Ch - Glen, Dale; Ottawa R33 Deer Park Sec3 T130a Mrs. Minnie COFOID(1912) Bell Tel.

BREHMAN, J. R. (Louise M. RYAN) Ch - Ross, Lester,Arthur, Hazel, Esther; Streator R5 Otter Creek Sec6 O400a (1878) Tel. Streator

BREI, Louis (Sophie LONNIES) Ch - Charles, Minnie, Anna; Marseilles R58 Manlius Sec16 O150a (1887) Bell Tel.Marseilles

BRENN, Charles (Olive WILLIMSON) Ch - Vernon, Kenneth; Lostant R12 Hope Sec19 T160a Joe WILLIAMSON (1874)

BRENNAN, Finton (Emma BERNINVER) Ch - Marie, Arthur; Streator R3 Osage Sec4 Manager John F. BRENNAN (1891)Ames Tel. Wenona

BRENNAN, James LaSalle R23 Dimmick Sec25 O80a (1860)

BRENNAN, John F. (Nellie KENNEDY) Ch - Thomas, Fenton,Ella, Margaret, Veronica, Lizzie, Mabel, Lorreta, Lucy; WenonaR2 Osage Sec35 O600a (1861) Ames Tel. Wenona

BRENNAN, Mike (Ellen KANE) Ch - Walter, Thomas Will,Dennis, Annie; LaSalle R23 LaSalle Sec11-12 O240a (1858)Bell Tel. LaSalle

BRENNAN, Roger Mary - Sister LaSalle R23 Dimmick Sec34 T160a John BRENNAN (1893) Bell Tel. LaSalle

BRENNAN, T. F. (Nora MALONEY) Ch - Mary, Thomas; Wenona R2 Osage Sec35 O320a (1866) Ames Tel. Wenonaand Rutland

BRENNEMANN Bros. John and Jacob Peru R20 Eden Sec20 T200a Mary BRENNEMANN (1878) Tel. Farmers' Line CedarPoint

BRENNEMANN, E. E. (Jessie BARRIS) Ch - Florence,Robert; Peru R20 Eden Sec20 O5a (1868) Tel. Farmers' LineCedar Point

BREUER, Albert (Caroline DOLDER) Ch - Raymond, Roy,Harley, Albert Jr.; "Roselawn Farm" Sheridan R1 NorthvilleSec33 O160a (1865) Northern Illinois Tel. Sheridan

BREUER, Arthur (Amelia ROHRER) Ch - Vernon; SandwichR2 Northville Sec22 O150a (1870) Northern Illinois Tel.Sandwich

BREUER, Franklin Sandwich R2 Northville Sec22 O181a (1872) Northern Illinois Tel. Sandwich

BREUER, L. A. (Josie BERNARD) Ch - Olive, Lester, Ida,Violet, Edward; Serena R1 Serena Sec35 O192a (1862)Northern Illinois Tel. Sheridan

BREUER, Mrs. L. C. (Louise HAZEMANN) Ch - Albert,Eliza, Arthur, Franklin, Ellen, David; Sandwich R2 NorthvilleSec22 O375a (1843) Northern Illinois Tel. Sandwich

BREWICK, Crist (Martha H. HAGLAND) Ch - Lilly, Clara,Carns, Nettie, Edith, Ivy, Lester, Ruth; Sheridan R1 MissionSec11 O240a (1867) Tel. Farmers' Line Newark

BREWICK, G. P. (Mildred MCCANN) Ch - Gayheart, Clare; "Brookedale Farm" Ransom R64 Allen Sec1 T160a P. O.BREWICK (1885) Tel. Kinsman

BREWICK, Mrs. Hattie Ch - Leverne, Mildred; Ransom R64 Allen Sec2 Henry LEE (1917) Tel. Ransom

BREWICK, Lester (Ethel PITZER) Sheridan R1 MissionSec112 T240a (1894) Tel. Farmers' Line Newark

BREWICK, P. O. (Anna JOHNSON) "Brookedale Farm" Ransom R64 Allen Sec1 O480a (1865) Tel. Kinsman

BRICKERT, August (Anna BUHM) Ch - Rudolph, Fred,August, Esther; Peru R20 Eden Sec20 O155a Tel. Farmers'Line Cedar Point

BRIERLY, Elmer (Nellie HILTON) Ch - Reva, Avis, Ethel,Lyle; Tonica R16 Eagle Sec12 T153a S. BRIERLY (1881)Independent Tel. Streator

BRIGGS, Charles W. (Mary E. TRENARY) Ch - Lottie,Robert; "Maple Hill Farm" Ottawa R31 Rutland Sec33 O156a(1864) Bell Tel. Ottawa

BRIGNON, E. C. (Rosa Alice SMITH) Ch - Russell, Edward; "Gray Court Farm" Sheridan R3 Serena Sec4 O200a (1882) Northern Illinois Tel. Leland

BRILL, Otto (Mary WACHTER) Streator R7 Otter CreekSec23 O120a (1908) Tel. Streator

BRINER, Van L. (Elizabeth HOAG) Ch - Carrie, Jennie, Henry,Mildred, Marion, William, Angeline, Lois; Seneca R62 Brookfield Sec5 O100a (1867) Bell Tel. Marseilles

BRINER, William J. (Cora GATEEL) Ch - Ida; Seneca R62 Brookfield Sec9 T160a BRINER Est. (1864) Bell Tel. Seneca

BROERS, John (Mary FRERICH) Ch - Vern, Marie, Grace,Kathrine; Dana R9 Groveland Sec32 T160a F. J. BROERS(1910) Independent Tel. Minonk

BROOKE, Perry (Winnie LILLY) Ch - May, Maude, Albert,Authur, Raymond, Lance, Russell, Elmer, Eddie, Annie; Sheridan R4 Adams Sec26 T124a Albert GULLICKSON(1916) Northern Illinois Tel. Somonauk

BROOKER, Claude (Lucy MUNRO) Ch - Francis, Donald; Mendota R38 Troy Grove Sec27 T80a HICKOK Est. (1914)

BROOKER, William (Julie HERMANSEN) Ch - Wilbur; Ottawa R32 Fall River Sec31 O105a (1901) United Tel. Ottawa

BROOKMAN, John W. (Charlotte MANSON) Ch - William,Charlotte, Pearl, Florence; Seneca Manlius Sec25 O9a (1883)Bell Tel. Seneca

BROSCHEID, Carl T. (Elizabeth HEIDER) Lostant R13 Richland Sec20 T100a William HORBACK (1897) Tel.Farmers' Line Lostant

BROWN, Amanda LOCK Ch - Emma, Esta, Levi; Tonica R15 Vermillion Sec25 O160a (1856) Tel. Farmers' Line Leonore

BROWN Bros. Earl M. and Glen E. Ottawa R33 SouthOttawa Sec32-33 T314a M. E. BROWN (1916) Bell Tel.Ottawa

BROWN, Catherine (Catherine MUSTGAGH) Ch - Ed.,Harmon, Stella, Tina, Harry, Katie, Bruce; Ottawa R28 WallaceSec29 O320a (1887) Bell Tel. Ottawa

BROWN, Ed. J. (Kathryn MURRY) Ottawa R28 WallaceSec33 T160a Mrs. E. BROWN (1897) Bell Tel. Ottawa

BROWN, Fred (Amelia ENGEL) Ch - John, Albert, Fred,Arthur, Bertha, Edith, Dorothy, Lydia; Mendota R35 MendotaSec2 T160a H. KUTTER (1885)

BROWN, John (Etta ANDERSON) Sheridan R1 MissionSec12 T265a Ole ANDERSON (1915) Tel. Farmers' LineNewark

BROWN, John C. (Jennie WILSON) Utica R25 Waltham Sec5 T160a WYLIE Est. (1887) Bell Tel. Utica

BROWN, Levi (Minnie SCHIFFBAUER) Ch - Lucille, Ray,Irene; Tonica R16 Vermillion Sec34 T160a Mrs. STANFORD(1883) Tel. Farmers' Line Leonore

BROWN, W. K. (Vashti PERHAM) Ch - Ernest, Florence,John, James, Bessie, Robert, Gladys; Millington R1 MissionSec36 O140a (1917) Tel. Farmers' Line Newark

BROWNE, Rev. H. R. (Hazel NESBIT) Ch - Robert, Gordon; "Waltham Manse" Utica R25 Waltham Sec9 (1911) Bell Tel.Utica

BROWNE, John (Elizabeth SISTER) Earlville R43 FreedomSec11 O22a (1861)

BROWNFIELD, I. H. (Verna A. CARR) Ch - Youria, Mabel,Edith, Raymond; Earlville R40 Meriden Sec7 T222a S. J.HAIGHT (1888) Northern Illinois Tel. Mendota

BROWNING, J.A. (Iva SEAMAN) Ch - Virgil, Bert; Somonauk R1 Northville Sec7 T107a Emil MEDABAUCH(1912) Northern Illinois Tel. Somonauk

BRU, Ole (Anna OLSON) Ch - Irene, Odella; Ottawa R27 Waltham Sec12 T159a John O'DONNELL (1809) Bell Tel.Ottawa

BRUCH, Henry Jr. (Bertha PLETSCH) Ch - Arthur, Ethel,Clarence; Tonica R14 Hope Sec5 T270a Mrs. H.HILTABRAND (1880) Tel. Farmers' Line McNabb

BRUCH, John (Katie EITEN) Ch - Helen, Anna, Ester, Ruth,Harold; Tonica R14 Eden Sec28-21 T280a Henry BRUCH(1883) Tel. Farmers' Line Cedar Point

BRUCK, Phillip (Tillie PETERSON) Ch - Vernon, Isabell,Helen, Lester, Arthur; Ottawa R29 Dayton Sec12 T100a H. B.HOWARD (1871) Bell Tel. Ottawa

BRUCKER, William J. (Catherine HALBOTH) Ch - Gladys,Leone, Roy; Mendota R35 Mendota Sec4 T160a FrankKEUHNE (1912)

BRUHNS, William (Susie CONNOR) Ch - Marie, Willard; "Town Line Farm" Ranson R63 Brookfield Sec19 T165a CarlBRUHNS (1886) Bell Tel. Marseilles

BRUMBACH, Berton (Bessie GALLUP) Ch - Belle; MarseillesR56 Rutland Sec13 T160a E. BRUMBACK (1877) Tel.Farmers' Line

BRUMBACH, Mrs. Margaret E. (Margaret BEARD) Ch -Mary, Ella, Viola, Merza, Ezra, Olive; Marseilles R56 ManliusSec6 O53a (1860)

BRUMBACK, Theodore Marseilles R56 Rutland Sec13 T271/2a BRUMBACK Est. (1850)

BRUMER, William (Mary RISS) Ch - Lietha, Henry; StreatorR8 Otter Creek Sec35 O80a (1878) Tel. Streator

BRUMFIELD, Henry (Maude BELCHER) Ch - Wayne,Virden; Peru R21 Peru Sec18 -Farm Hand- MCCORMICKEst. (1915) Bell Tel. LaSalle

BRUNNER, W. C. (Susan RINEHART) Ch - Christian, Carl,Paul; Mendota R37 Ophir Sec29 -Farm Hand- W. G. HESS(1904) Northern Illinois Tel. Mendota

BRYANT, Mark (Sara BENCKENDORF) Ch - Ethel, Effie,Estal, Helen; Grand Ridge R18 Grand Rapids Sec34 T160a Frank COOK (1880) Tel. Grand Ridge

BRYBURG, Martin Seneca R60 Miller Sec2 T160a M.BAGWELL (1905) Tel. Farmers' Line Newark

BRYER, Christ (Sophia GERDING) Ch - Emma, Anna, John,Clara; Marseilles R59 Fall River Sec32 O240a (1882) UnitedTel. Ottawa

BUCK, Amos G. (Erma CLINIK) Ch - Phyllis; Mendota R36 Mendota Sec22 T240a J. J. BUCK (1894)

BUCK, John J. (Minnie ROEHM) Ch - Ella, Amos, Minnie,John, Lucile; Mendota R36 Mendota Sec15-22 O240a (1877)

BUCKINGHAM, S. A. (Etta GRAHAM) Ch - Anthony,Cassius, Clarence, Vernie; Marscilles R56 Rutland Sec10 T225a PARR Farm (1892) Bell Tel.

BUCKLE, Harry N. (Edith BIORKLUND) Ch - Edith, Arthur,Norman; Sheridan R2 Mission Sec15 T75a A. I. BOWEN(1910) Tel. Farmers' Line Sheridan

BUCKLEY, William D. (Agnes WHITE) Ch - Margaret,William, Jennie, John; Dayton Dayton Sec29 T130a Mrs. E.GROVES Sec24-19 T223a WOODLOCK Sisters (1866) BellTel. Ottawa

BUDACH, Alvin (Dora MOLLN) Ch - Dietrich, George,Clarence, Gilbert, Ida, Theodore, Otto, Hedwig; Earlville R45 Meriden Sec36 O120a (1868) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville

BUDACH, Fred Ottawa R31 Rutland Sec3 T120a JohnBUDACH (1908) Bell Tel.

BUDACH, Paul (Minnie PLAUTZ) Ch - Albert, Walter, Clara,Frieda, Edna, Mildred; Marseilles R59 Fall River Sec32 O160a (1877) United Tel. Ottawa

BUDACH, Paul e. (Emma BLANKENHEIM) Ch - Herbert,Rosa; "Old Homestead" Earlville R45 Meriden Sec25 O200a(1878) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville

BUDDE, Eill (Minnie KELLER) Ch - Freda, Albert, Henry; Streator R6 Otter Creek Sec5 T200a Fred GLEIM (1896) Tel.Grand Ridge

BUFFINGTON, George (Anna RATH) Ch - Inez, George; LaSalle R22 LaSalle Sec3 T40a Henry RATH (1891) Bell Tel.LaSalle

BULAND, Clarence (Maudia SNELLING) Ch - David, Hazel,Lorraine, Lloyd, Pearl; Earlville R42 Earl Sec 10 O160a (1874) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville

BULL, james L. (Minme A. LAMPERTSDORFER) Ch -Harry; Utica R65 Deer Park Sec8 O5a (1914)

BULLOCK, Mason (Helen SALISBURY) Ch - Geraldine,Lucille; Tonica R16 Eden Sec25 O160a (1869) Tel. Farmers'Line Tonica

BULTMAN, E. H. (Jessie JONES) Ch - Blanche, June; OttawaR30 Serena Sec30 T120a Mary POOL (1902) Tel. Harding

BULTMAN, F. H. (Anna JACOBS) Ch - Lucille, Frederick; Ottawa R30 Serena Sec32 T130a Mrs. F. H. BULTMAN(1892) Bell Tel. Ottawa

BUMES, John (Margaret CAIRNS) Ch - Margaret, Johnnie,Donald; Grand Ridge R18 Grand Rapids -Farm Hand- CharlieHAGIE (1917) Tel. Grand Ridge

BUNKER, Charles (Estella RUSHBROOK) Ch - Harold,Bernice, Marie; Utica R65 Deer Park Sec31 T8a Illinois ZincCo. (1907)

BURDALL, John Ch - John, Lena; Seneca R60 Miller Sec3 O100a (1877)

BURGESS, Arthur (Lena JENNINGS) Ch - Alice Ruth; Kangley Eagle Sec16 O140a (1861) Independent Tel. Streator

BURGESS, Charles (Anna MCEACHERN) Ch - Robert,Charles; Wenona Osage Sec19 O147a (1899) Tels. Farmers'Line and Ames

BURGESS, Elwin (Agnes LOVE) Streat or R4 Eagle Sec22 O148a (1874) Independent Tel. Streator

BURGESS, E. S. (Adie GALLUP) Ch - Joseph, Tansy, Stokis,Fern, Mildred; "Mineral Stock Farm" Tonica R12 VermillionSec22 O140a (1859) Tel. Farmers' Line Tonica

BURGESS, Joseph (Lottie SCHOFIELD) Ch - Lorena, June,Roscoe, Corrine; Tonica R15 Vermillion Sec28 T120a E. S.BURGESS (1887) Tel. Farmers' Line Tonica

BURGESS, Lucian (Ida MUDGE) Ch - Charles, Harry, Frank,Bertha, Grace; "Farmdale Farm" Tonica R14 Eden Sec28 O160a (1852) Tel. Farmers' Line Tonica

BURKE, David (Ella SHEA) Ch - Genevieve, David, Daniel; Utica Waltham Sec20 O120a (1871) Bell Tel. Utica

BURKE, H. W. (Mary L. DERBEN) Ch - William, Henry,Alice; Utica R25 Waltham Sec33 O120a (1879) Bell Tel.Utica

BURKE, James (Nellie DOWNEY) Ottawa R29 WallaceSec10 T190a R. WOLF (1883) Bell Tel. Ottawa

BURKE, James N. (Margaret E. DOYLE) Ch - Rose, James,Lillian, William, Edmund; Utica R25 Waltham Sec16 O120a(1877) Bell Tel. Utica

BURKE, John (Anna WALDRON) Ch - John; Utica R25 Waltham Sec16 O80a (1866) Bell Tel. Utica

BURKE, John J. (Ellen KEATING) Ch - Daniel, Morris,Emmet; Marseilles R56 Rutland Sec22 O433a (1865) Bell Tel.

BURKE, Thomas (Bridget SCANLON) Ch - Anna, Mary,Thomas; "Cedar Lawn Farm" Utica R25 Waltham Sec32 O120a (1861) Bell Tel. Utica

BURKHART, Christian (Veronica HARTH) Ch - Clara, Bertha,John, Theresa, Anna, Helen; Troy Grove R34 Ophir Sec28T160a John CUTHBERTSON (1880)

BURKHART, John (Bertha OFFERGELD) Ch - Raymond,Arthur, John, Bertha; LaSalle R22 Peru Sec4 T80a GeorgeELLIOTT (1883)

BURKHART, John (Maude WORSLEY) Ch - Vernon; TroyGrove R34 Ophir Sec27 T197a J. P. WYLIE (1891)

BURKHART, Robert (Sophie MESSENSTACH) LaSalle R22 LaSalle Sec3 T140a (1880) Bell Tel. LaSalle

BURKS, George (Tricke LEMME) Ch - Lester, Noble; Ransom R63 Allen Sec5 T160a Fred BAKER (1902) Tel.Ransom

BURRIS, Issac (Anna WIGGINS) Utica R65 Deer ParkSec33 T80a Mrs. Macey ROBERTS (1912) Home Tel. Utica

BUSCH, Peter (Mary ROTH) Ch - Sybella, Benjamin, Katheryn,Clara; Tonica R16 Richland Sec4 O80a (1885) Tel. Farmers'Line Leonore

BUSGEN, Dorothy Ch - Anna, Nicholas, Jacob, George,Charles, Joseph, Helen, Peter, Mary, Margaret, Henry; "BusgenTruck Farm" LaSalle R24 LaSalle Sec34 O20a (1887) Bell Tel.LaSalle

BUSH, Perry (Florence WELLS) Ch - Charles, Edwin,Catherine, Elizabeth; Lostant Richland Sec19 -Farm Hand- William J. PULTZ (1904)

BUSHELL, Mrs. Emma Ch - Mary, Harriet, John William, Ida,Alice, Fred, Maude; Earlville R42 Earl Sec22 O250a (1847)Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville

BUSHELL, Fred (Mrs. Amelia HAGUN, Housekeeper) Ch -Carl and Thorn HAGUN; Leland R49 Earl Sec26 T120a JohnBUSHELL Est. (1881) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville

BUTE, Albert (Madeline ASHCROFT) Ch - Cecil, Viola,Margria; Streator R3 Eagle Sec27 -Farm Hand- W. A. MOON(1886) Independent Tel. Streator

BUTE, B. F. (Mary VANDOREN) Ch - Fred; Grand RidgeR19 Farm Ridge Sec24 O90a (1866) Tel. Grand Ridge

BUTTERFIELD, A. W. (Emmogene BURCH) Ch - Alonzo,Clare; Earlville Earl Sec18 O33a (1866)

BUTTERFIELD, E. O. "Peach Farm" Marseilles R56 RutlandSec36 O80a (1866)

BUTTERFIELD, L. A. (Edith ZIMMERMAN) Ch - Russell,Phiranda, Katherine, Albert, Emma; "Valley View Farm" SenecaManlius Sec23 O205a T42a Mrs. James CONWAY (1876) BelTel. Seneca

BUTTERFIELD, Stanley H. (Mary E. BOSWORTH) Ch - Lee,William, Bessie, Roy; Ottawa R31 Rutland Sec35 T140a E. R.SPENCER (1870) Bell Tell. Ottawa

BYARS, Ira (Carrie RUSSELL) Ch - Treva, Bertrand; LelandR48 Adams Sec 16 -Farm Hand- W. C. FARLEY (1916)Northern Illinois Tel. Leland

 Contributed by Carol Ryan-Spenader, Eileen Charles-Bower, and Sandi Ryan-Kuda. 

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