For more than half a century the Frost family to which the subject of this sketch belongs has been represented in Ottawa. S. L., the father of Francis A., was of English extraction, though New York state was the place of his birth. For some time he lived in Michigan, in which state he married Miss Onilla Shaw, and in 1847 they removed to Ottawa, coming the entire distance in a covered wagon. Mr. Frost was a ship carpenter by trade, but after becoming a citizen of this tow-n he devoted himself to general carpentering. He died in California soon after the close of the civil war, and his wife lived to attain the age of three-score years. Both were devoted members of the Methodist Episcopal church.
Francis A. Frost was born in Three Rivers, Michigan, March 20, 1846, and is one of six children born to his parents. The others are Mrs. Josephine Toobs, of Ashtabula, Ohio; Agnes, wife of Judge E. Nugen, of Idaho; Fernando, a resident of California; Mrs. Belle Hulsey, who died in Ohio; and Edward, who died in Texas. The education of F. A. Frost was obtained in the public schools of Ottawa, and when the civil war broke out with the enthusiasm of youth he was determined to enlist as a soldier. He had his name enrolled as a private of Company I, One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Illinois Infantry. He served his time out in this regiment and then re-enlisted in Company A, Third Illinois Cavalry, under Captain Sanders. He made a good record as a soldier, and for years has been an honored member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He also belongs to the K. of P., I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., and other orders. He is a second lieutenant in the local branch of Knights of Pythias.
For a period of thirteen years Mr. Frost served most creditably as a member of the Ottawa police force, and in 1889 he entered the employ of the government as a mail carrier. This line of business he followed for four years and seven months, then resigned his position. In his political views he is a stalwart Republican, devoted to the interests of the party under whose beneficial and conservative policy this nation was reconstructed and made a power, as never before, among the nations of the world, subsequent to the great civil war.
Mr. Frost has been twice married. The wife of his youth was Miss Sarah C. Lightfoot, of this place, to whom he was wedded December 17, 1867. She departed this life in 1872, leaving one child named Ora, who is now the wife of James Dick, of Joliet, Illinois. In 1874 Mr. Frost married Miss Eliza Kain, of Ottawa, who passed away in 1895. A son and a daughter were born to this union, namely: Agnes Delbridge, whose home is in South Ottawa; and Fernando, who is a painter by trade and engaged in his calling in this place.
Extracted by Norma Hass from Biographical and Genealogical Record of LaSalle County, Illinois published in 1900, volume 1, pages 185-186.
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