G. L. Hayer, one of the prominent farmers of LaSalle county, has long been a resident of Miller township, near Stavanger. He was born in the state of Iowa, November 12, 1848, and is a son of Austin and Elizabeth (Jacobs) Hayer and a grandson of Lars Hayer. His father was a native of Norway and was a member of the colony founded by the Norsemen in Rock county, Wisconsin. From that state he moved into Iowa and settled in Lee county. Here he met Miss Elizabeth Jacobs, who also was a native of the Norseland, but had been reared and educated on this side of the ocean. Their acquaintance ripened into love and culminated in their marriage, but their wedded life was to be of short duration. Two children were born to them, - G. L. and Lars A. The latter died in infancy and in 1850, when our subject was but two years of age the mother was called to the better land. The father took a second wife in the person of Miss Annie Danielson and by her had six children, only three of whom are now living, viz.: Elizabeth, wife of Jacob Oleson, of Grundy county. Illinois; Emma, wife of Charles Wiley, of Polk county, Missouri; and Electa, wife of H. Hoie, of Miller township. The father was an elder in the church of the Latter Day Saints and also took an active interest in the Republican party. His death occurred March 9, 1896. at the age of seventy years.
G. L. Hayer was educated in the public schools and helped his father with such chores as a lad could do. As he grew older he took a more active part in the work and became a good farmer and one who adopted the more progressive method of work, and is now one of the substantial agriculturists of LaSalle county. When twenty-one years of age he was married to Miss Malina Hagland, who was born in Norway, a daughter of Thosten and Bertha Hagland. Her parents came to the United States, settling in Fillmore county, Minnesota, where she was educated and grew to young womanhood. Six children blessed their union, two of whom have been taken to blossom in the garden of the blessed Redeemer, - little Minnie Theresa, who lived but four short years, and an infant that died unnamed; Albert Elias resides with his parents; Bertha is the wife of Oscar Johnson, of this neighborhood; Zenas Milton and Walter T. Mr. and Mrs. Hayer are members of the church of the Latter Day Saints and are worthy Christian people. He has always supported the Republican party, but devotes little time to politics, as his time is fully occupied with looking after his personal interests.
Extracted by Norma Hass from Biographical and Genealogical Record of LaSalle County, Illinois published in 1900, volume 1, pages 328-329.
Lee | DeKalb | Kane |
Bureau |
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Kendall |
Putnam | Grundy | |
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